Monday, September 21, 2009

Determining what foods has wheat in the ingredients

When I was first diagnosed with my wheat allergy, I found it very hard to figure out what foods had wheat in the ingredients. It was more complicated than the obvious foods like bread, pasta, cereal, crackers, and baked goods. Wheat is listed as so many different things that it was and still is hard to know what does and doesn't have wheat in it. The FDA now mandates that manufacturers list any allergens on their packaging. Now this does make it easier, but there are still quite a few that do not list the allergens. For me, it definitely was trial and error with certain foods in determining if it was something I could eat. Now, that I am a couple years into this I have good idea what I can and can't eat. I am by no means an expert and have eaten something only to find out later that I shouldn't have eaten it, meaning my stomach is so bloated that I look pregnant, I am constantly sitting on the toilet, and have terrible gas pain. Sorry if that was too much info, but that is my reality. I have recently stumbled upon a list of ingredients that should be avoided. This list of ingredients contains wheat but also gluten. For me it is easier to stick to gluten free foods than to figure out what is strictly wheat free as opposed to gluten free. How have you dealt with this issue?

In another blog I will list those ingredients that should be avoided.

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